Special Deluxe Collector's Edition / Fully Remastered Audio shaped from 24 BIT digital technology / Includes Call Of The Wild, The Distance and Hanging By A Thread / 16- page full color booklet - 3,500-word essay, enhanced artwork, and new interviews - IT HAS BEEN said that music is a cruel mistress, as Company of Wolves found out to their cost. Like many others of a similar ilk they were the victims of stylistic musical changes and as the sands of time shifted beneath their cowboy boots they quickly found out that being a damn fine rock band would be no protection to the evolution of time and cultural shifts. It would be a rude awakening to the members and to their genre in general. Formed in NYC during the late '80s the band was built around the sharp-suited leadership of frontman Kyf Brewer, who quickly found support in fellow band members, brothers bassist John Conte and guitarist Steve Conte. Also throwing his hat in the ring was renowned drummer Frankie LaRocka, giving the unit an established vibe and attracting an industry buzz that soon rewarded them with a significant major label deal with industry powerhouse Mercury Records. It was an auspicious start, and all eyes were on the quartet to deliver a startling album. Produced by Jeff Glixman (Georgia Satellites) and recorded in Austin, Texas, the band crafted one of the era's most interesting records and received the sort of promotional push that would be the envy of many. They were even flown to Scotland to film their first video 'Call Of The Wild', at a remote Highland castle. All was looking well, but the fickle nature of the business soon pulled the rug from under their feet when grunge changed the musical landscape leaving Company Of Wolves abandoned and alone amidst the stylistic sea change. In another universe, they should have received a helping hand to fame and fortune but sadly despite enthusiastic critical applause they were unable to weather the choppy seas and fight another day.