Originally shown on "The Wonderful World of Disney," this exciting family adventure offers a different view of the Robin Hood legend, as Gwyn (Keira Knightley), Robin's teenage daughter, leads the aging Merrie Men in a quest to free her father from Prince John's dungeon and restore Prince Philip, heir of the late King Richard, to the throne of England. Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Hyde, Del Synnott, and Stuart Wilson star. 90 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
Originally shown on "The Wonderful World of Disney," this exciting family adventure offers a different view of the Robin Hood legend, as Gwyn (Keira Knightley), Robin's teenage daughter, leads the aging Merrie Men in a quest to free her father from Prince John's dungeon and restore Prince Philip, heir of the late King Richard, to the throne of England. Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Hyde, Del Synnott, and Stuart Wilson star. 90 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
Originally shown on "The Wonderful World of Disney," this exciting family adventure offers a different view of the Robin Hood legend, as Gwyn (Keira Knightley), Robin's teenage daughter, leads the aging Merrie Men in a quest to free her father from Prince John's dungeon and restore Prince Philip, heir of the late King Richard, to the throne of England. Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Hyde, Del Synnott, and Stuart Wilson star. 90 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English. Region Free